We are in the 13th week of organizing our homes. This week we venture into the dreaded master closet. If your closet is full of clothing that no longer fits, if there is a mountain of shoes you don’t even know you own, or if your closet is in such disarray, you get palpitations walking into it, you really need the challenge this week. Take your time this week. Pull out everything from your closet onto the bed. Go through it all! If you have the means, purchase some nice new hangers and shoe boxes. You spend a lot of money on your wardrobe. Take care of it!! Once you are finished organizing the entire closet, take a picture and share your hard work with everyone here on this post. Good luck with the challenge. This is a big one!!
Home Organization 101
If you would like to join our organizing challenge, sign up (here) on the event page. Once you are signed up, join the Home Organization 101 group page on Facebook (HERE). On this page, you can ask questions, post pictures, and support each other during this 14 week process.

We only have 1 more week to go!! Yay! This week we are organizing the master closet. Your goal for the week is to purge, clean, and organize your master closets. I bet you really need this challenge!!
1. Take a picture of your space “before” you start & share it with the facebook group here.
2. Gather up 4 baskets: Keep, Trash, donate, other room.
3. Sort & purge! Go through everything in the closet. Take it all out & organize into the bins.
4. Clean! After you have sorted through everything, you can vacuum or mop the closet & wipe down shelving.
5. Organize! Now its time to organize. Hang the clothes in “sections”. Short sleeve, long sleeve, pants, dresses, etc… Color code if you are feeling extra ocd. Organize the shoes too!
6. Now take an “after” picture. You’re done! Come back here to share your hard work.
Please welcome our sponsor this week Heather Campos, an independent stylist from Stella & Dot. They have beautiful vintage style and new jewelry. Their items make perfect Christmas gifts.
Tags: closet, home organization 101, master closet, organization
Blog, Closets, Home Organization 101, Organize, our home Posted in
It looks amazing! I wouldn’t know what to do with all that space! Thanks for sharing and offering the link-up.
Your closet is gorgeous! Pretty sure if I had that closet, I would want to hang out in it all the time and organize it!
It does look very beautiful, but the thing that my mind is most blown by is simply how much stuff you have! My fingers would be itching to get rid of more – I like things very pared down and I’m working towards a capsule wardrobe with depth rather than width. With a view to that, I recently had my “colours” done (I’m autumn) and I know that so long as I buy only on the autumn palette, that my whole wardrobe will coordinate and I can wear any of the tops in my wardrobe with any of the bottoms, throw on any of the jumpers, wedge on any of the shoes and pick up any of the handbags and I will look like I’ve put in a lot of thought and effort when really I have pretty much got dressed in the dark. I may take a photo of my teeny wardrobe and link up later! It really is the ultimate in decluttering and organising! I wish I had taken a before shot of my wardrobe!
Love your closet. I just cleaned mine up a bit, but nothing like this. It looks fantastic. 🙂 I really like the peg board idea.
I get so excited looking at your blog. Where did you get the shelves?
GOOD LORD! I thought my closet in my apartment was huge at 9′ x 5′! You are definitely blessed! My closet looks similar, its rectangular and long and bigger than any closet I’ve ever had yet for some reason its been hard making a his and hers closet out of it! His is a small portion on one side, her’s is the rest of that side and the entire other side. Weird..
My goodness!! That closet is amazing!!
I found the wire drawers on the Ikea website. Did you add the wooden top?
A helpful hint that works well for my hanging clothes is to place the most recently worn item on the left hand side. This way I know that the items on the right hand side I haven’t worn recently, or if they are hanging there too long I know that I can probably get rid of them because I haven’t loved them enough to have worn them.
I love your closet! I’m beginning work on mine today and I have one question. Where do you put your undies, bras, lingerie, etc? I actually have an old dresser in my closet for these things–I really want to get rid of it, but I don’t know where to put these things that they won’t be out “on display” (not that I have random people looking at my closet) but that they stay organized. Any ideas?
Any tips for an extremely small, almost dorm size, closet?
I have a decent sized closet, but lots of stuff. To maximize the hanging space, I purchased the thin felt hangers, it almost doubled my space. Plus I store my out of season clothes when I’m not using them. Lastly rather than storing your shoes in boxes, which can take more space, I have shelves for my shoes and have them toe to heel, I was able to make room for a couple more shoes on each shelf. Have fun organizing!
This is the closet dreams are made of.
Help…my closet is only 1/4 the size of your beautiful space. I am having difficulty knowing how to properly store out of season clothes in my small house. We are in Texas and the heat/insects are a concern when storing in the attic. Are there any tips for attic storage. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated! Love your website! Thanks for getting us moving in the right direction!
Holy cow, lady! That closet is a thing of beauty! Although I must say, I’ve never seen someone with so many pairs of jeans before. You’re putting my 2 pairs to shame! But I guess if I spent my craft/food budget on clothes, my clothes collection could look like that too. 😉
I love the closet!!!! I bought a pegboard to organize my jewerly but don’t know how to hang it. Can you help? what did your hubby use to hang it?
where did you get your hangers?
i want to shift to all one style hanger in our closets (my husband & I have separate walk-ins) but want to pick something that (1) works for shirts and pants and (2) works for thin straps (so they don’t slide off)
Different places: Home depot, target, and tj maxx. Ikea also has them.
OMG I cannot believe anyone owns that many pairs of jeans 🙂
I love your closet! An entire room devoted to organizing dressing and organizing so you can devote your priorities to family, friends, and other things.
I especially want to know where the black bin in photo 9, I believe, came from? Dimensions? Is it plastic? The one with the very architectural scalloping around the top edge, in the photo of your area where you have your nursing uniforms?
I like that you have designed your closet with easily available and not exhorbitantly priced storage solutions, things that the budget-minded reader can make his own. Kudos for the great functionality and nice presentation!
Great closet! Mine isn’t quite that big, so to maximize my hanging space, I changed out all my hangers to the thin felt ones. It not only gave me a ton more space, but it looks great too! I also installed shelves for my shoes and rather than storing them in boxes, I line them up heel to toe, it really makes the space a lot more efficient! My last piece of advice is, if you haven’t used something all season get rid of it, chances of you using it the following year is usually slim to none. Ok, one more thing I do is store the stuff that’s out of season in a box on the top shelf of my closet. Happy organizing!
Thanks for the awesome post! Just wanted to let you know I tagged this post here: http://myorganizedchaosblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/spring-cleaning-and-organizing.html
I love your closet. We are going to be building a house soon and your closet is just the size I am looking for. Can you tell roughly tell me the measurements?
I can’t tell you how many times I come back to this bookmarked page, and stare at your closet for ideas. Not to mention, you must be the cutest dressed mom out there! xx, k
Where are the shelves that your clothes are hanging on from???
You can find shelves the those at Home Depot or another home store.
Love this! Thanks so much for inspiring me to tackle my closet. One question though — where do you keep your sweaters, sweatshirts, etc.? Some aren’t supposed to hang, so wondering if I should put them in bins or stack them on a shelf.
I’ve been designing closets for 22 years and have owned a custom closet company for 10 years. I have to say that, without being a professional closet designer, you’ve done the best job I’ve seen for a DIY closet design. Good job! Do you want to come work for me as a designer???!!!!
I have wire shelving in our closet but it does not have a solid rod for hang up clothes. Like yours has, where you can slide clothes either way. My closet has a tiny wire that is in sections and it is horrible. Every time I want to add more clothes, I have to pick the up off the wire and hang them in the next section to allow for room.
Where can I find shelving like yours?
BTW…love your site! Thank you for helping me get my act together! One room at a time! Love you bunches!
Thanks, Becky
you can purchase similar shelving/hanging bars at your local home improvement store.