Today I am featuring some great organized planners. I love seeing how everyone else uses theirs. I could look at planners all day long! What about you? Do you like planners?
Melinda Ellison
“I absolutely love diaries and pens so when I found this one, I fell in love. It was a 365 diary so I took out the original pages and added in 2013 dated week to a view pages. I work from home in our family business so I need to have an organised diary. I have highlighters and pens for each member of the family 🙂 so I know what’s happening with everyone everyday. I drew some of the inspiration for your awesome Filofax diary.”

Cindy McClain
“There were many things that needed to get organized for me to become a Smooth Operator… Monthly Family Calendar, Daily Schedule, Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping, Cleaning, Laundry, Work Projects, Home Projects, Basic To-Do Lists, Fun Ideas for Little Missy, Things to Buy, Gift Lists and Party Plans, Vacation Ideas, etc. I’m also trying to eat healthier and exercise to lose those last 15 lbs. of baby weight because I really don’t want to become a schlumpadinka. So that means I also have a daily Food and Activity Tracker that I maintain. That’s a lot of stuff to keep track of.”
Priscilla Coker
“My favorite part of a new year is getting a new planner. Really, the day that I head into the office supply store to pick my new best friend is almost better than Christmas for me. And when I find that planner, I skip all the way to the register, pay gleefully and then hurry home to begin filling its pages with awesomeness. I never claimed to be a normal girl. Inevitably though, I can never find a ‘perfect’ planner. I’ve had great planners before, but by the next year, it will have been discontinued and the search for another one that is ‘perfect’ begins again. And since I’m a blogger, I have specific needs in a planner that aren’t to be found in just any old store. So I made my own. So far, I love it. I blogged about it here“
Donna in Ohio
It was a Christmas gift to myself, and it’s absolutey beautiful! On the front of this purple leather cover it reads:
Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I’m found;
was blind, but now I see.
I HAD to have this when I saw it! I bought this back in December at a book store. Just back in August, I gave my life to Christ, so the words on the front really hit home for me and now I finally understand exactly what these words mean. Because of God’s grace, He did save a wretch like me, and for that, I am forever thankful! Each page has a scripture on it and below the scripture it gives the meaning of the scripture in lamen terms.
Alexandra Shaw
“My pretty planner inspired by you – the Apex Filofax with a great zip pouch. I love the post it notes and tabs. I loved your highlighting so much, I’ve copied the idea of colour coordinating.”
Christine M. Dinis
This is my new planner which I customized by making my own tabs for Gratitude, Inspiration, Receipts, Finances, Notes, Work, Projects, Dates to remember, Contact info, Coupons, ect. The “To Do”tab is on a plastic tab so I can write them on a sticky notes and take with me if need be, I also did the same for my Shopping lists. I organize the coupons I will be using for the week and take them from my Coupon binder and put them in my planner which I always have on me so if I can run into a store they are with me, this helps to not over buy. I love planners and have had many, but I am happy with this one and love the colors I choose and my little bling bling. Unfortunately the pictures do not do justice.
Cammie Broadbent
I am fairly new to your site, and I ADORE all your wonderful organizing ideas! I am on a mission to organize my home this year and I love all the tips you have in decluttering and organizing! So I must thank you!! I also saw your planner for 2013 and I love planners! A few years ago(after having baby #4) I was in a rut and I knew I needed a planner to help me get my life organized, so I turned to my mom! She is an AMAZING organizer and she gets things done! She plans, prepares, and then does! While her and I were together for a couple of weeks (I’m in Missouri, she is in Arizona) we decided to come up with a planner that would work for us. With the help of Excel and Photoshop our planners were created. We used our planners for the year of 2012 and they worked great. I feel like my life has gotten back in order and I don’t forget so many things, ha! We got so many questions and compliments on our planner that we decided we’d sell the files! We call our planner My Best Day Planner 2013. We just opened an Etsy store:

Do you have a planner that you would like featured at ABFOL? If so, email me at
Tags: organizers, planners
Blog, Organize, Planners & Binders Posted in
I’ve turned away from using a paper planner. (I’m seriously terrible with paper.) But I use Evernote, Remember the Milk and Google Calendar and can access these from my phone. When I need a quick handwritten note, I use Handrite on my phone. It’s helped me so much. Is there anyone who makes templates for Evernote?
Still, it’s fun to look at people’s paper planners. 🙂
Good Morning!
I’m hoping to get some insight. For years, I’ve always thought I was a “pen-&-paper” gal, but as my kids have gotten older,
I’ve struggled with keeping everything straight. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 11 years, my boys are 9 and 10, and with all their
activities, I’m constantly struggling with finding an organized system that works for us and our home. I’ve tried numerous planners throughout the years…Franklin Covey, MomAgenda, Erin Condren, etc….but it hasn’t worked.
Maybe it’s that I adore the “idea” of a pretty planner. But I never seem to use them to the fullest, and resort to my phone for keeping track of everything. I also really don’t like having “schedules” and routines in so many places: phone, personal planner, home management binder, command center calendar for the family.
I know for sure I’m a list person. Love lists. So, my question to all of you, is:
What do you suggest my “system” should be? How many calendars? Where to put lists? etc.
I love seeing all your fabulous planners….so inspirational! My question is what size planners are these? I can see that a couple of them are full size 8 1/2 x 11. I have changed back and forth between an A5 size that holds 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 paper and a small “personal” size that held 6 3/4 x 3/3/4 paper. Anyone have suggestions? Reasons they prefer one size over the other? Ahhhh, decisions, decisions!
Love this post! “Email planner pics to Toni” is still left undone on my To Do List, though mine isn’t as beautiful and colorful as the examples you have given. I have a photo of my 2010 planner online, which I have linked to in the “website” section of the comment field.
I love the crisp, clean happy colors of Melinda’s planner. (Come to think of it, it’s remniscient of your blog’s color scheme!) Alexandra’s is also an awesome color. I’ll be visiting Cindy, Cammie and Priscilla’s sites to read more about their planners. I love what Priscilla said about the “perfect” planner. My husband and I were just on Monday talking about how there is no perfect planner. I blamed Eve saying that if she hadn’t eaten that forbidden fruit, then we wouldn’t live in a fallen world and there *would* be such a thing as the perfect planner! 😉
I love the story of Donna’s planner–and is that a business card with Dave Ramsey that I see in the background? 🙂
I too LOVE planners! I am in desperate need of some brands/and where to buy. I am looking for one that has a monthly calendar and then all the weeks for that month, and then another month… I would love it to have tabs. I have 2 mom agendas, both the personal portfolio (I love the size but not the layout) and the Home Office (I love the layout not the size). Any suggestions are appreciated.
check Go to the sale items first. Very reasonable. Has 2013 calendars and 60% off. Many choices and sizes.
Lovely planners 🙂
I will have to share mine and the story behind it 🙂
I love these! I’ve recently revamped my blog, so there are only three posts but here is a link to my 2013 planner.
LOVE these things! I think I am a calendar hoarder. Seriously. I have a scenic views one over my desk; a sewing-ish one in my craft/sewing room (Susan Branch or quilting–changes back-n-forth each year); a rooster one on my fridge; a family pictures one on the side of my fridge and a Hawt Cars one out in the garage for DH. AND I have a planner that lays on the kitchen counter that has all the family’s appts & such, birthdays, etc….PLUS I have reminders on the Outlook calendar on our computers (reminders for things like “Send little brother a card”–his wife died a year ago, etc).
I actually have two planners. The one for home (A5 size; spiral bound–not perfect but it has pretty picts! picked up at Michaels for only $5.00 with a heavy-duty clear plastic cover which keeps the NICE picture on front looking nice!!!), and another that is “my brain” for work….which has things like my boss’s calendar/appts, a tickler file (reminders), stuff for work, etc. That one is 8×11. I splurged when I started this new job, and bought the NICE heavy dividers; usually I buy the cheaper ordinary stuff, but I thought: “by golly, I’m working and I use this every day, I should get to have some nice stuff every once-in-awhile, too!!” So I did. And I love it.
Thanks for sharing my planner! It’s working great for me and it’s helping me stay motivated and on track!
I really love your planners, everyone! Next year I will have a better planner – this year I just got a day-a-page diary where I write down all I have to do. I love your Papermate Flair Pens, and tried to get a set but we don’t have those colours here in Portugal – just regular blue, black, green and red. In the UK they also don’t have them and buying from the USA would cost a lot in custom fees. 🙁 I am really said because as a teacher I could also use them to grade papers – much better than RED! Does anyone have any idea how I could get them?
I believe you can get Flair pens from the UK amazon site. Im a UK girl and I’ve searched for them myself and amazon was the only place i saw them. Good luck 🙂
I love my filofax A5 planner but where are you getting the dividers for it? I cant find any that fit
I have a filofax A5 planner and got all my dividers from the filofax website. Make sure you select A5 size on the order form.
Also to add to divider ideas! I have recently discovered a lovely crafty way of making your own dividers using a filofax page as a template and cut round some card or better still pretty paper (thick paper).
I love seeing everyone’s planners!!