One Project at a Time: 11/4/14

November 4, 2014

 Is it me or did we go from summer to winter?!  And Halloween to Christmas?!  I love November and all that it brings- family gatherings, crisp days that linger with a very slim chance of an indian summer in the forecast. I want to slow down the clock and enjoy every minute of what is probably my favorite month.

November is a favorite month but Tuesday is my favorite day. With Monday behind us (and let’s not even talk about Monday after the time change!), Tuesday is full of possibilities and opportunities, like partying. That’s right, who needs a Friday night or 5:00 ‘somewhere’? Tuesday is party day here on A Bowl Full of Lemons and you all are invited to join in the fun.  Today is the day we invite you to link your blog to ours, sharing your DIY projects, recipes, decorating tips and organizing ideas and so much more. Grab a button and invite your friends to join in the fun!




Along with organizing, decorating and decluttering, budgeting is definitely on the list of things that Toni is passionate about. Making every dollar work for you, knowing that each paycheck is accounted for and has a purpose makes spending on the necessary AND the frivolous work. With so many ways to be frugal, it’s nice to see a frugal tip that includes being green which is something Toni strives to instill in her family. If you’re looking for ways to cut down on your spending while erasing some of your carbon footprint, you’ll want to check out <THIS> post from Jenny at Women with Intention.


Going-Green-and-saving-money- Link Party on A Bowl Full of Lemons




As a busy mom to four young children, I’m always looking for ways to multi-task, to get the most out of every minute. When it comes to cleaning, although I love it, I don’t love how much time it can take up and so if I can take a quicker route, an easier path, you better believe I do! The one place I do NOT like cleaning is the bathroom and yet it demands so much time and attention. All She Cooks, had me excited to get cleaning again with this super simple way to help keep the shower/bathtub clean throughout the week. If you haven’t added <THIS> little cleaning trick to your To Do list, you’ll want to immediately!


Quick and easy shower cleaning - Link Party on A Bowl Full of Lemons




I hope these featured posts have you excited to share your latest tips, tricks, recipes and so much more. So, grab a button and link up today!


ABFOL One Project at a Time




13 comments on “One Project at a Time: 11/4/14

  1. Kimberly says:

    Hello sweet ladies! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party. I love stopping by. I hope you get a chance to swing by our party. We would really appreciate it!
    Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls

  2. Wow! Thank you so much for featuring me today! 🙂

  3. Thanks for hosting the party, have a great day. 🙂

  4. Marite says:

    Thanks for hosting a great party! Have an awesome weekend 🙂

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