One Project at a Time: 1/27/15

January 27, 2015

ABFOL One Project at a Time



Welcome to our Tuesday link party where we turn the spotlight on all of you. Today is our weekly link party where we invite all of you to share your pride and joy, your sweat and your tears as you showcase your hard work. I’m excited to see all the brilliant ideas you all have to share: DIYcrafts, home projects, organizing and purging tips, recipes galore and everything in between. If this is your first time joining us, welcome!  If you don’t have a blog, don’t let that stop you from enjoying visiting all the wonderful blogs linking up this week. With that, let’s get this party started! Here’s how it works…

  • Use the linky at the bottom of this post to link your blog to ours, feel free to share whatever has been keeping you busy lately.
  • Share this party on your facebook page so your readers know to come join in the fun.
  • Visit your fellow linking blogs and leave them a comment so they know you’re a part of the party too.
  • Comment here and tell me what number link up was your favorite blog to visit. You never know, it could end up being featured.
  • Make sure you check back throughout the week. This party lasts all week long, until our next party, next Tuesday.




Are you working with a small kitchen space or are you looking for ways to maximize the space you have no matter what the square footage is?  Maria, from Graceful Order, has done an amazing job organizing her KITCHEN CABINETS, using every inch she has, allowing her to have all her must-haves right at her finger tips.


kitchen cabinet organization on A Bowl Full of Lemons link party




Are you getting frustrated as you see your New Years Resolutions slowly slipping away? Maybe you feel like there’s not evidence to the changes you’ve tried making and don’t see the point in continuing. Or, maybe you are so busy planning you haven’t even had the chance to really start. If getting organized was a part of your resolution, Abby from Just A Girl And Her Blog shared 5 reasons why you might be failing. Take a look to see if you fit one of the categories so that you can right your path now before getting too far off track.


5-Reasons-Youre-Failing-at-Organization-link party on A Bowl Full of Lemons


35 comments on “One Project at a Time: 1/27/15

  1. Thank you for hosting !

  2. Naomi says:

    Thanks for hosting! I’ve never shared here before – excited to join in this week!

  3. Kimberly says:

    Hello cute lady! I love being a part of your party each week. Please take a moment to join our party . We would love to party with you,again! Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls

    • Rachel says:

      Stopping by to visit today. Thanks for joining each week and leaving your lovely comments. They never go unnoticed.

  4. Thank you! <3 Can't wait to check out some of the other links!

  5. Thanks for the party!

  6. Thanks for hosting the party, have a great week.

  7. Thanks for hosting! Happy Week to you! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  8. Christine says:

    Thanks so much for another awesome link up!

    I really enjoyed number 158- “Remove white spots”

  9. Lincoln Heng says:

    Too much information! There would no more excuse for disorganized thing at home!I love this blog so informative!

  10. Nikki says:

    Thanks for hosting! I’m co-hosting a link party over on my blog. Would love to have you share!

  11. Thanks so much for the party, Rachel! Have a wonderful week. 🙂

  12. Elizabethw says:

    Thank you for hosting! I really liked the How to Become a Morning Person blog article. Mornings are so tough for me!

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