Sponsor Shout Out: March 2014
Come one, come all and enjoy splurging on yourself or get a head start on Easter gifts, Mother’s day gifts, graduation gifts and so much more. With a variety of venues, you’re bound to find something you truly love amongst our fantastic sponsors! Without their support ABFOL wouldn’t be what Read More

A Fabulously Organized Desktop
They say a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, and for me, the same is true for a cluttered computer desktop. I find it really hard to concentrate on the project I am working on when my desktop is a mess and I can’t find Read More

One Project at a Time: 3/25/14
Easter projects, spring wreaths, gardening tips and home renovations; Spring is in the air and it’s in our link party! I love seeing the wonderfully colorful crafts, fresh recipes and spectacular ideas for home projects. That’s what today is all about and I invite you all to join us by Read More

One Project at a Time: 3/18/14
Spring has sprung and I am so excited to invite you all to share your latest gardening tips, spring cleaning routines, outdoor living solutions, recipes and so much more because today is the day we shine the spotlight on you! With our link party, you all are the stars! We Read More

Book Club Selection: April 2014
Over the months, our book club has continued to grow and the books only seem to be more and more enjoyable. It’s such a neat thing to see how horizons expand and interests change as we’re exposed to new ideas, different writing styles or story lines. We Read More

Kids and Money: Earning and Managing a Commission
In order to learn to manage money, kids need money to manage. (Yes, I know. I have a keen sense of the obvious.) And the way in which they receive and manage that money should fit as much as possible with grown-up reality since we’re not ultimately training Read More

One Project at a Time: 3/11/14
Welcome back Tuesday! Anyone with me on Monday just not really being one of their favorite days? With the time change, I think I look forward to this link party more than usual! I look forward to inspiration, to excitement for Spring crafts and projects, for getting outside in the Read More