Purge Day 12: Medications
Today we are purging our expired medications. When was the last time you checked the dates? Do you have everything organized together, so you can easily find a medication if you need it? Lets get this area of our homes purged and organized. If today is your day of rest, Read More

Purge Day 10: Bills
Today isn’t the most exciting purge, but it’s one that’s probably the most important. Don’t skip it because you are overwhelmed or knee deep in debt. Face the task head on and get it done! You can do it! Today is the day. Purge Day Read More

Purge Day 9: Bathroom Cabinets
Today we are going to be purging our bathroom cabinets. All of those expired toiletries, torn wash cloths, empty bottles and things that just don’t belong… need to go! You are doing beautifully this month. Keep the stamina going. We are a third of the way there. Read More

Purge Day 8: Car
Welcome to Day #8 of our 31 Day Purge. Today we are headed outside. Some of you may not need to do this task, but others need to desperately. You know who you are. Don’t skip today. Complete it and pat yourself on the back when you finish. Now Read More

Purge Day 7: Shoes
Congratulations! You’ve made it through the first week of our month long purge. Today we are purging a clutter magnet –> shoes! Do you have shoes laying around everywhere? Do you have a system of organization for your shoes? If not, today is your day! Keep reading to see how Read More

Purge Day 6: Make-Up
We are back for another day of purging. Today is Day 6 – Make-up! I am willing to take a guess that 90% of you (who wear make-up) need to purge some. Do you know when you purchased your mascara? After 3 months or so, mascara starts to Read More

Purge Day 5: Cleaners
Welcome to day 5 of the purge. Today should be an easy task. There’s not whole lot of decision making to do. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up! Remember, if you need some inspiration to get you motivated, you can see the many purge pictures from others who Read More

Purge Day 4: Toys
The holidays will be here before we know it, so now is the perfect time to sort through your kids toys. When you bring new toys into the home, it’s necessary to get rid of some. If not, you will eventually run out of room. A good Read More

Purge Day 3: Dresser Drawers
Today is day 3 of the 31 Day purge. You may not notice much of a change in your house yet, but give it a few more days. You will begin to see a difference in your mood & your surroundings. Purging clutter is such a wonderful thing! Read More